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Mar 22, 2024 · We are saving lives, enhancing health and expanding knowledge one birth at a time. BENEFITS OF CORD BLOOD DONATION ...
Discover the potential of newborn stem cells, and learn about cord blood bankings from the world's most experienced provider. Click here to learn more.
Cord blood banking is an investment in your family. See why ViaCord has been trusted by families for over 25 years, offering proven quality and innovation.
Learn about donating your baby's umbilical cord blood to a cord blood bank. You and your baby can help save a blood cancer or blood disease patient.
Donating cord blood to a public cord blood bank involves talking with your doctor or midwife about your decision to donate and then calling a cord blood bank ( ...
Parent's Guide to Cord Blood lists public cord blood banking in United States. We educate parents with accurate and balanced information about cord blood.
MiracleCord is a family cord blood bank with laboratory facilities that are AABB-accredited for both cord blood and cord tissue banking.
Aug 15, 2022 · Cord blood banking is when your baby's umbilical cord blood is collected and stored after delivery. This cord blood contains valuable stem ...
Cord blood donated to a public cord blood bank is available to patients who need a transplant. The donation process doesn't cost anything to the parents ...
Cord blood donation is a simple and painless process and worth considering, even if you decide not to store your child's cord blood for your private use. Cord ...
$690 Banking For Columbus — With Planning Comes Peace Of Mind. Now Is The Perfect Time To Bank Your Baby's Cord Blood. See Why Families Have Been Choosing ViaCord For...