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People also ask
What does MMS mean?
What is MMS? MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service. Whenever you send a text with an attached file, like a picture, video, emoji, or a website link, you're sending an MMS.
Should my phone be on MMS or SMS?
MMS is a more suitable option when you need to send messages longer than 160 characters. With a generous 1,600-character limit, it can be more cost-effective and user-friendly to send a single MMS message instead of multiple SMS messages. MMS is also necessary when sending images, videos, or other multimedia content.
Feb 23, 2024
Are MMS messages free?
It usually does cost to send an MMS unless you have them included in your plan, or if they are sent via a message service like iMessage. Are you on contract or pay as you go at the moment? Sending the content over any messaging app (iMessage, Messenger, WhatsApp etc) will be charged as data transfer.
How do I turn MMS on?
Once you're in the Messages menu, scroll down until you reach the SMS/MMS section. At the top of this list, you should see an option that reads MMS Messaging. If the toggle slider is to the left and grayed out, tap the toggle to send it right and turn it green.
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content to and from a mobile phone over a cellular network.

Multimedia Messaging Service

Multimedia Messaging Service is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content to and from a mobile phone over a cellular network. Users and providers may refer to such a message as a PXT, a picture message, or a multimedia... Wikipedia
Miracle Mineral Supplement, often referred to as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, MMS or the CD protocol, is a branded name for an aqueous ...