Some minor fractures can be treated non-surgically with cervical bracing, rest and time. Surgery may be recommended for those with unstable fractures to help relieve pressure on the spinal cord and stabilize the spine. The use of medications to help control issues such as: Bowel and bladder dysfunctions.
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Most spinal fractures won't need surgery, but you might need to wear a brace for a few months. However, severe spinal fractures will need to be surgically ...
Doctors at NYU Langone recommend activity modification, back braces, and pain medication to manage spine compression fractures. Learn more.
Vertebroplasty is a procedure in which a special cement is injected into a fractured vertebra — with the goal of relieving your spinal pain and restoring ...
Feb 12, 2024 · The majority of fractures heal with pain medication, reduction in activity, medications to stabilize bone density, and a good back brace to ...
fractured vertebrae in back treatment from orthoinfo.aaos.org
Extension fractures that occur only through the vertebral body can typically be treated without surgery. These fractures should be observed closely while the ...
fractured vertebrae in back treatment from ufhealth.org
Treatment · A brace for 6 to 10 weeks if the fracture was due to an injury. · More surgery to join spine bones together or to relieve pressure on a nerve.
Balloon kyphoplasty can be used to treat vertebral compression fractures. A tiny balloon is inflated inside the fractured vertebra first to restore its height.
fractured vertebrae in back treatment from www.mayoclinic.org
Nov 15, 2022 · Vertebroplasty is a treatment that injects cement into a cracked or broken spinal bone to help relieve pain. Spinal bones are called ...