Emmaus Road Counseling offers guidance and advice to help you through tough situations.
Learn how to successfully fight the good fight with the strength that God has supplied!
Unlock the healing power of faith and spirituality. NICC guides you on a path to wellness.
Trauma healing helps us to fulfill the gospel of Jesus Christ, setting the captives free. Trauma Healing equips leaders with biblical principles to...
Biblical steps to inner healing · God wants to take your wounds, pain, hurts, and sorrow! · Release those hurt, painful and fearful emotions into the hands of ...
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The 5 CENTRAL WOUNDS for INNER HEALING are: ... 1. REJECTION is a feeling of deep loss and judgment. 2. INJUSTICE is a feeling that something is taken from you. 3 ...
Jan 13, 2024 · Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:31–32 NIV). How can he tell ...
Jul 25, 2022 · Step 1: We must admit it. · Step 2: We must confess it. · Step 3: We must dismiss it.
Walking through healing with the Father is a beautiful process, but it's also emotionally deep. Don't be concerned if you feel like you've been hit by a really ...
1 Peter 5:7 — Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Release the hurt, pain and fearful emotions into the hands of Jesus. Hanging onto fear, ...
Getting yourself to the point where you know that God loves, forgives, and accepts you, is one of the foundations to receive inner healing. Knowing that God isn ...
Sep 4, 2019 · Inner healing from deep spiritual wounds is possible. Here are 3 steps you can take today to start on the path toward healing and joy.
Biblical steps to inner healing I have compiled a basic list of fundamental steps that are so important for those receiving or ministering inner healing.