  1. [Today's date]
  2. Dear [name of your employer / HR manager/ line manager],
  3. I have a [problem with / complaint about] [give details].
  4. [Optional] I have evidence in the form of [give details].
  5. I would be grateful if you could let me know when I can meet you to talk about my grievance. ...
  6. [Your name]
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This page gives some basic rules for writing a grievance letter and a checklist to make sure that your letter has all the relevant information.
Use our template letter to raise a grievance about a problem at work.
Nov 30, 2019 · The grievance letter itself should set out the nature of the grievance is the employee's opportunity to explain, in writing, the basis of their ...
Work Grievance Letter from www.charliehr.com
A letter of grievance should list the problem or complaint (the grievance), and provide enough detail so an employer can begin to investigate it. It is also ...